Monday, May 11, 2015

The Pennyrile Forest State Park

At one time in its early history, Dawson Springs was full of resorts. Folks believed that spring water from a nearby well could cure the ailments of life, and tourists paid handily for a night’s stay and a swig of the good stuff. Two Kentucky State Parks joined the fray for a chance to attract those same tourists, and one of those is still serving its original purpose in the midst of the Pennyrile State Forest.

The place looks like Thomas Kinkade painted it himself. It takes a country drive off the parkways and through the forest to get there. Once over a hill on the park road, the stonework of the lodge comes into view. It’s quaint, rustic, and cozy, tucked into the woods with a tiny lake behind. On the walk from the car to the lodge door, a raccoon and beaver are spotted. Mallard ducks fly across the lake. It feels like a personal cabin.

This resort is like a step back in time. Several periods of times, in fact. The lobby with the large fireplace and seating reminds of a lodge in the early 1900s. The arcade game nook is right out of the 1980s. The overnight rooms, with authentic wood paneling, are very charming 1960s. It’s a theme found in several Kentucky State Parks, one that has come with decades of age, but interestingly niche at this point. Far from cookie cutter drywall 2015.

My girl and I did all of the things a couple might have done at the park in the 1950s. We sat a spell out on the back deck of our room and watched a sunset. We checked out a book from the library. We hiked a trail surrounding the lake. From an overlook of the lake we watched another couple on a paddleboat enjoying the day as well. We saw families on the trail. Boy Scouts in rank and file behind park staff were out working on a merit badge. And for those moments when we wanted to get back to the current day, satellite wifi provided signal for our newfangled phones all over the park grounds.
A Kentuckian’s goal should be to visit every state park at least once, and if possible, stay a weekend. And if you’re our guest from out of state, welcome to our home. We think you’ll enjoy what we have to offer.